tings dat make the bot go skraaa
Player Commands: /Profile - Displays the Brawlers profile /Leaderboard - Displays a top10 Leaderboard /heal - Refill your health (coming soon) Leadership Commands Deployment: /deploy - Deploys the BRAWLCLUB category and channels in your discord server. /addstaff - adds a "staff" member to your BRAWLCLUB, this allows them to create games, and accept payments for sales in the MetaMerchant /removestaff - removes a "staff" member from your BRAWLCLUB
Games: /rumble - Creates a RUMBLE game /apex - Creates an APEX game /reign - Creates a REIGN game
MetaMerchant: /setupshop - sets up the MetaMerchant Phygital discord shop (Coming soon) /createlisting - Creates a listing the MetaMerchant channel /refresh - refreshes the BRAWLCLUB if a required channel is deleted Other Commands: /whitelist - creates a Whitelist Harvesting post /showlist - displays all wallets on the Whitelist
Last updated